itMatch Member - Jagoda Zygmunt

Jagoda Zygmunt

Recruitment Partner

5 years, 9 months, 21 daysat itMatch

About Jagoda Zygmunt

Hi, I'm Jagoda and I started my adventure with recruitment 4 years ago at itMatch :) I work in the Open Market team, which gives me exposure to a wide range of projects - from working with startups to large organizations, companies from a variety of industries, and a very wide spectrum of IT positions - from very popular technologies to niche roles. At itMatch I have developed my experience and knowledge of the industry, and currently, as Recruitment Partner I am responsible for cooperation with several of our long-term clients. I graduated in Applied Psychology, and although I am not working in the profession, psychology remains one of my main interests. Apart from that, privately I am especially passionate about traveling, food, sports, and plants - I have been growing my private urban jungle for a while now :)

Written Blog posts

Rynek pracy w IT. Co spotkało nas w 2022 roku? Post Image itMatch

Rynek pracy w IT. Co spotkało nas w 2022 roku?

December 21, 2022 by @Jagoda Zygmunt

Rok 2022 jest już prawie za nami. Grudzień to miesiąc podsumowań, ocen i tworzenia planów na następne kwartały. My też chcemy opowiedzieć Wam trochę na temat mijającego już roku i właśnie po to powstał ten artykuł.