Paulina Rogala Correia
Strategic Partner & Team Leader
7 years, 9 months, 17 daysat itMatch
About Paulina Rogala Correia
I'm a team leader and strategic partner at itMatch. My responsibilities are related to running strategic projects in the company such as branding or implementing the OKR planning system. I lead the great on-site team at Qualtrics <3 My experience is a mix of recruitment and organizational development. Other than IT recruitment I had a chance to run some NGO organizations both in Poland and abroad. Leadership is something that really keeps me going! Personally, I love traveling, I visited almost 50 countries on 5 continents - but I want to travel the whole world! I love dogs and I'm a proud mommy of Joey. Currently, I'm on the maternity leave, learning how to lead others not only at work :)