Martyna Niemczyk
IT Recruitment Specialist
3 years, 1 month, 18 daysat itMatch
About Martyna Niemczyk
Hi, my name is Martyna. I have been working at itMatch since January 2022. I started my career in recruitment as an IT Researcher, combining my work with my studies at the Cracow University of Economics. Since September 2022, I have been working as a Junior IT Recruiter and trying to find the perfect match among candidates and clients. 🙂 I am also a member of our branding team, so feel free to visit our social media and see what we are creating! I love working with people and the most important for me is gaining new knowledge and experiences. Privately, I am a fan of travel, delicious food, and art in a broad sense. Out of my love for film, I am also studying Film and Television Production Organisation.
Written Blog posts
Dlaczego Employer Branding w rekrutacji jest niezbędny?
Employer Branding jest szczególnie bliski naszym sercom. W jaki sposób łączymy obie te dziedziny, dlaczego EB jest w dzisiejszych czasach niezbędne do skutecznego zamykania stanowisk i ile może zyskać Twoja firma? Wszystkie te informacje znajdziesz poniżej.