Zuzanna Grochal
IT Recruitment Specialist
3 years, 1 month, 21 daysat itMatch
About Zuzanna Grochal
Hi, my name is Zuza and I graduated from the University of Economics in Cracow. I started my recruitment adventure in January 2022 with itMatch. Currently, I continue my education and combining my studies with work at itMatch. I am enthusiastic about acquiring new skills, eager to help, and I love working with people. At my day job, I try my best to help our clients, recruiting for many positions, in different areas and at different levels. I will help you find the job of your dreams and make the entire recruitment process go smoothly :) Privately, I love sports, which accompany me every day.
Written Blog posts
What does Generation Z bring to IT recruitment?
Generation Z, zoomers, post-millennials. There are many terms for people born between 1995 and 2010, but the name is not the most important thing here. Far more interesting is what characterizes Generation Z, what challenges they face, and what they bring to the IT labor market.
How to write a resume for an IT job?
A well-written resume is the key to success in recruitment. Just how do you go about it? What to include in it? Check it out!