What does Generation Z bring to IT recruitment?

What does Generation Z bring to IT recruitment? itMatch Blog Post

Published: July 13, 2023 by Zuzanna Grochal

What does Generation Z bring to IT recruitment?

Generation Z, zoomers, post-millennials. There are many terms for people born between 1995 and 2010, but the name is not the most important thing here. Far more interesting is what characterizes Generation Z, what challenges they face, and what they bring to the IT labor market.

Who are we talking about?

In the simplest words, Generation Z is the group of people born between 1995 and 2010. However, such a definition is not complete - post-millennials are people who have been surrounded by technology since childhood, function in a highly developed society, and approach life quite differently from their parents and grandparents.

Although generalizing most often ends badly, it is worth noting that a distinct proportion of Zoomers has an unprecedented approach to work.

For many members of this group, self-development, and education are very important, often even more important than money. Meanwhile, when looking for employment, post-millennials pay attention to the work-life balance.

Generation Z are also ambitious people who seek challenges for themselves and want to grow. It is common for them to know their capabilities, which can result in higher expectations and demands from employers and co-workers. Zoomers travel more often than their parents' generation, and as a result, they have had the opportunity to see how people from other corners of the world think and live. It is quite logical that the youngest generation in the labor market wants to instill international standards in their immediate environment.

Why is Generation Z influencing the IT industry?  

Although post-millennials are entering virtually all professions, they are by far having the strongest impact on the technology industry. Students in computer science and other STEM fields often enter the job market at a fairly young age, resulting in a sizable and growing representation of Generation Z in our industry.  The IT sector is looking at Zoomers both in the short term (these individuals are quick learners and are often more creative than their older colleagues), as well as in the long term - after all, it is Zoomers who will be in management positions and senior roles in a few years, and this justifies spending on their further education. 

What changes are we already seeing?

Despite their short presence in the labor market, Generation Z has already managed to bring about many changes. First of all, salaries are increasingly not only competitive but also transparent. While it would be a significant misuse to say that the salary ranges in the ads appeared because of the Zommers - after all, almost 90% of Poles are in favor of salary transparency - certainly Gen Z representatives are much less likely to apply for offers without the stated amounts.

We also see that the possibility of working remotely or in a hybrid model clearly increases the attractiveness of offers. Interestingly, from my observations, it seems that the flexibility of the employer is crucial - people from Generation Z do not necessarily need to work exclusively from home, but candidates care about being able to make a choice in this regard. This is very often due to their lifestyle. Many Zoomers are still studying and actively developing their passions, which makes such people unwilling to work in a highly systematized way.

We also often find that post-millennials don't want to take on overtime and try to fit work and life, rather than the other way around. On-call positions are also losing their appeal, as they disrupt the work-life balance.

While it may sound hurtful, let's admit that Generation Z workers are reluctant to become attached to one company. At the same time, their loyalty does not depend solely on the salary. Among other things, an informal atmosphere, good contact with managers and co-workers, and the ability to comfortably fit their schedules around their personal lives and especially their studies are important. The youngest generation entering the labor market is also struggling to apply good hiring practices, a culture of feedback, and general respect for employees' rights.

Are post-millennials good candidates?

It may seem that the post-millennials are demanding, and don't take their jobs seriously, and hiring them will be problematic. However, practice shows that Zoomers are much needed. 

Above all, young employees bring a lot of innovation to companies - they are perceptive, care about automating processes, and look for ways to reduce workloads, which can result in significant savings. Moreover, they are often entrepreneurial and resourceful, and these are very good qualities for future managers. 

As I mentioned earlier, Generation Z travels a lot and is open to new cultures. Combined with a very common knowledge of foreign languages, we get employees who create a friendly and inclusive environment, free from bullying or prejudice based on nationality or culture.

How to conduct recruitment of Generation Z?

Working at itMatch and also being a representative of Generation Z, I try to draw a candidate's attention to specific employee benefits - the possibility of remote work, training budgets, or sports cards. My team and I also make an effort to communicate to the candidate what they will find particularly attractive. This procedure increases the chances of success, because Generation Z cares a lot about the individual approach to a person, and in addition, such people often take their first job and do not know about what benefits and habits are typical in the job market.

Observations also show that representatives of Generation Z prefer faster recruitment processes. If recruitment takes too long, impatience and discouragement are clearly evident, so time is of the essence here. It is also necessary to beware of vague and general information - Zoomers pay attention to strictly specific and measurable proposals. Accuracy is also important when it comes to responses.  Feedback, even negative, is extremely important for post-millennials, as they may perceive silence as disrespect and disregard.

It is also important to keep in mind the ambitions of the new generation of candidates. The people we are discussing don't opt for offers that don't appeal to them. Because of their greater self-confidence and high self-esteem, these candidates are looking for growth opportunities and the prospect of rapid advancement. This is a big challenge for recruiters, as matching an offer to a candidate's personality can sometimes be very complicated and time-consuming, but it is the only way to achieve success in Zoomer recruitment.

Does my company meet the requirements of post-millennials?

Generation Z demands and offers really a lot. Due to the changing reality and mentality of candidates, when recruiting we should make sure that the current procedures and image of the company are sufficient for success. When working with itMatch, the best solution would be to order a recruitment audit, which includes both a market mapping analysis, internal procedures, and an examination of Employer Branding activities.

Practice shows that recruiting Generation Z people requires implementing best practices and educating the client's employees. Hiring managers are a particularly important link in the entire process. According to research, the HM's personal contact with the candidate has a positive impact on maintaining interest in the offer and builds a good corporate image. It is also worth investing in increased processing capacity, which will reduce recruitment time. The easiest way to achieve this will be to hire an IT recruitment agency that uses modern tools and employs specialists with years of experience.


The statement that the IT labor market is facing interesting times can be considered a euphemism. Generation Z, which is now entering companies, still has many years of professional development ahead of it, and as a result, it will be difficult to determine its future. Will post-millennials resemble previous generations? That remains to be seen in a few years.

In the meantime, I sincerely invite you to read other articles on IT recruitment on our blog. Are you interested in recruiting for the tech industry? Share my article on your Linkedin, Facebook, or Twitter!